Neurological Level (the nervous system)

The human body has several major systems that carry out its vital functions. These systems include the locomotor, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems.

The nervous system coordinates all of these other systems and keeps the body informed about its external environment. Like all of the body’s other systems, the nervous system consists of various organs, which in turn consist of various kinds of tissues (assemblies of cells).

The most important organ in the nervous system is the brain. That is why, on this site, when we talk about the neurological level, we focus chiefly on the brain. This site examines the brain’s main structures (such as the cortex, the cerebellum, and the hypothalamus) and their component tissues (which are composed of grey and white matter).

The sciences dealing with the neurological level of organization include anatomy, physiology, and all of the specialized neurosciences.