Here are the two ways that you can make a donation
The Brain from Top to Bottom.
1. Make a secure on-line payment with PayPal.
It’s fast and easy: just log onto PayPal and enter the amount
that you want to donate, and PayPal will debit either your credit
card or your PayPal account. Note that PayPal charges us a service
fee equal to 30 cents plus 2.9% of the amount you specify, so for
example, if you make a $100 donation, we will receive only $100.00
- 0.30 - (2.9% x $100) = $96.80.
2. Send us a cheque by mail.
If you don’t want to use PayPal, sending us a cheque is slower,
but it does save us the PayPal fees, so that your entire donation
goes to help keep The Brain from Top to Bottom up and running.
Whatever amount you decide to donate, please make your cheque payable
to Bruno Dubuc and mail it to The Brain from Top to Bottom,
1872 Gauthier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2K 1A3.
Please note that The Brain from Top to Bottom is not a
registered charity, so your donations are not deductible for purposes
of Canadian income tax.
In August 2012, after providing all the funding
for The Brain from Top to Bottom for
over 10 years, the CIHR
Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
informed us that because of budget cuts, they were going to be forced
to stop sponsoring us as of March 31, 2013. Ever since we got this
news, the little
team that produces this web site has been looking for a new
source of stable institutional funding so that we can continue our
mission of providing the general public with the best possible information
about the brain and neuroscience.
We have approached a number of organizations,
all of which have recognized
the value of our work. We
are still in negotiations with some of them, which may prove fruitful
within the next few months. But so far, we have not managed to find
the funding we need. For the moment, we must therefore ask our readers
for donations so that we can continue updating and adding
new content to
The Brain from Top to Bottom web site and blog.
The “fundraising thermometer”
that you see below shows, in order of priority, from the bottom
up, what work we plan to do with the money that we raise and how
much money we still need to raise to meet our annual budget. We
will update this thermometer regularly, so that readers always have
an accurate picture of our finances.
Please rest assured that we are doing
our utmost to keep this site accessible in the original spirit of
the Internet: the desire to share information free of charge and
with no advertising.