
How are we to hope that, one day, the ‘man’ that we all carry within us might free himself from the animal that we also carry within us, if he is never informed about how this admirable mechanism called his nervous system works? How are we to hope that we shall see the disappearance of destructive aggression, hate, violence and war? Is it not essential to show him how science views as petty and ridiculous those feelings he has often been taught to regard as the most noble, without telling him that it is only because they are the ones most useful for preserving social groups and classes, whereas the creative imagination, a fundamental characteristic of his brain, is, to say the least, usually absolutely not required to make an honest man and a good citizen?

- Henri Laborit (1914-1995), L'agressivité détournée, p. 8

This site is dedicated to him

      Chercheur: Henri Laborit

Site developed, researched, and written by:

Bruno Dubuc


January 2002 to September 2002

September 2002 to present


Douglas Hospital Research Centre
6875, boul. LaSalle
Quebec, Canada H4H 1R3

through Dr. Maurice Dongier

Funding source:

Programme Étalez votre Science 2001-2002
Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec

Site architecture and graphic design:


Affiliation and funding source:

Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction



Patrick Robert

Graphic design and animation:

Denis Paquet

English translation:

Al Daigen


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