Tool Module: Managing Stress What
is stress? First of all, it is a set of bodily reactions to new or threatening
situations. These reactions developed over the course of evolution precisely so
that we could survive such changes or threats. Thus, stress, far from being
harmful in and of itself, can actually be very useful, and you can be sure that
it helped our ancestors to escape many dangers. Nowadays, the stimuli that induce
stress in our lives rarely take the form of a wild animal poised to attack. Far
more often, they involve stressful social situations, such as school exams, or
verbal threats by other people.The human cerebral cortex, by decoding language,
can form images of such situations that will affect the brain in the same way
as the physical threat of a wild predator. Human culture is becoming increasingly
sophisticated, but our basic emotional reactions remain the same. When
stress occurs, the body MUST eventually act to put an end to this tense waiting
state, because all the changes that stress stimuli induce in the sympathetic nervous
system result in a large, immediate expenditure of energy. For example, under
stress, your heart beats faster and you breathe more quickly to get more oxygenated
blood to your muscles. The blood that normally goes to your skin and your internal
organs is also redirected to your muscles. Obviously, you cannot maintain
this state for very long without experiencing physical problems. High blood pressure
and stomach ulcers are two examples of symptoms that are attributed to stress,
and hence to inhibition of action. Over the long term, stress also diminishes
the body’s immune defences. This phenomenon is now widely recognized and has even
given rise to a whole new field of research: neuropsychoimmunology. In other words,
our brains, and hence our thoughts and emotions, influence our resistance to disease.
Now science has even identified several mechanisms by which the brain interacts
with the body’s defences. For example, we now know that a state of inhibited action
or sustained stress increases the level of glucocorticoids in the body. Glucocorticoids
are natural anti-inflammatories, in the same family as cortisone, and are known
to weaken the immune system over the long run. This makes us more susceptible
to pathogenic microorganisms, for example. So when somebody tells you that he
has just lost his job or broken up with his girlfriend, and that to compound his
bad luck, he is also coming down with the flu, he is actually confusing luck with
a simple cause-and-effect relationship. Likewise, it has long been known that
many older people die of grief just a few months after their spouses have passed
away. So in stressful situations, we have to find ways of taking action,
or suffer physically sooner or later. For example, we might channel our suppressed
aggressiveness into playing a sport. Or sometimes, simply talking or writing about
a problem can help relieve it, because for human beings, language has become a
symbolic form of action. Here is a basic set of instructions for managing
stress: 1) First, be on the lookout for the harmful side effects of stress,
such as headaches, heartburn, stomach aches, and difficulty breathing, because
the body is not separate from the mind. More often than not, psychological distress
will result in physical symptoms as well. For example, we know that sustained
stress weakens our immune systems. Your immune system is constantly working to
fight off invaders inside your body, and if it is weakened, you can get an infection
or catch a cold more easily. 2) Second, learn to recognize the sources of
stress in your life. For example, school is the source of acute stress reported
most often by young people. Among specific stressors at school, having to make
oral presentations tops the list, followed by writing exams, arriving late, having
too much homework, and getting bad marks. The second most important source of
acute stress in young people is their love lives– difficulties meeting people,
first dates, lovers’ quarrels, fears about first sexual encounters, and so on.
Other sources of acute stress include events associated with violence, such as
being followed, getting mugged, and so on. Chronic stress, on the other hand,
usually arises from the family setting, especially as the result of communication
problems. 3) Third, you need to understand your reactions to stress and
know which ones are good for you and which ones are harmful. The three most common
reactions to stress are inaction, assertiveness, and aggressiveness. Contrary
to what many people think, of these three reactions, it is inaction rather than
aggressiveness that can do you the most harm. Sitting alone and brooding is the
worst thing you can do. Rechannelling your aggressiveness and letting off some
steam by dancing at a party or playing a sport will do you the most good. Calling
friends or seeking out help are also positive ways to assert yourself.
4) For every stressor that you encounter in your life, you should try to find
an activity that relieves it. For instance, if you are experiencing a stressful
change in your life (such as moving house), you might make a point of visiting
old friends and establishing comforting rituals and routines. If your stress is
coming from overwork at school or on the job, you might set some priorities and
delegate some responsibilities. If you are experiencing a frustrating situation
such as harassment in the workplace, you might ask for a meeting to express your
point of view. If you are feeling lonely (for example, if you have just ended
a romantic relationship), you might rediscover some personal interests and seek
support from your friends. In short, inhibiting yourself from acting does
the most harm to your organism, so a good way to fight stress is to act, to do
something to relieve the tension that has built up as the result of the stress.
Rechannelling your frustration or aggressiveness into physical activity can be
a good outlet for stress. Having to spend a whole day sitting at your desk at
school or work is another kind of stress that you can relieve through physical
activity. There are many other ways to reduce stress. For example, if you
are not a naturally active person, relaxation techniques, meditation, and tai
chi can be good methods of stress relief. Some other, "instinctive"
methods include laughing, crying, yawning, and stretching. Anything that draws
on your creative talents is also good, such as music, painting, or writing. Sometimes,
simply talking about your stress can help to relieve it, because for human beings,
language has become a symbolic form of action. Adaptability is very important
for reducing stress.You can make yourself more adaptable, but it takes time. To
do so, gradually increase the difficulty of the stressors that you deal with,
and learn to set yourself realistic goals. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough
sleep are also essential prerequisites for managing stress effectively. In
the end, it is your own attitude toward stressful situations that determines whether
they are positive or negative, because stress has a lot to do with whether you
feel that you have chosen to be in a particular situation. For example, if you
are hanging from the edge of a cliff, it is much more stressful if you got there
by accident than if you did so on purpose while rock climbing. |