Module: Similarities and Differences Between the Brain and a Computer Beyond
the obvious analogies and differences between computer hardware and the human
brain (for instance, between the computer’s RAM and the brain’s working
memory, or the computer’s hard drive and the brain’s long-term memory),
the two are often said to resemble each other. But do they really? Just how close
are the similarities? Digital versus analog The vast majority
of computers are digital, which means that they perform their operations using
a binary system that has only two possible, discrete states: “on“
and “off “, or if you prefer, “0” and “1”.
In the analog form of encoding used on old vinyl records, for example, the musical
information was recorded in the continuous variations in the contours of the grooves,
and minor errors were inevitably audible when the recordings were played back.
In contrast, digital encoding provides higher fidelity, because its automatically
eliminates all of these errors unless they are large enough to replace a 0 with
a 1. So does the human brain operate as an analog system, or a digital one?
The answer is “both”. On the one hand, a neuron either does or does
not transmit an action potential. This is an “all-or-nothing” process,
and in this sense, the brain operates digitally. But the frequency at which a
neuron transmits action potentials can vary continuously, thus giving it this
property of an analog system as well. Neurons operate analogically in another
sense as well. Every neuron is constantly receiving numerous nerve impulses (action
potentials) from other neurons across their synapses with its dendrites. Depending
on the receptors at which these potentials are received on the complex surface
of the dendrite membrane, they will have either an excitatory or an inhibitory
effect. The neuron constantly sums these two types of potentials, so that the
overall state of polarization of its membrane varies continuously, in analog fashion,
under the effect of its numerous synapses. And it is only at the neuron’s
axon cone that this analog signal is converted into a digital action potential. Serial
verus parallel Most computers process information very rapidly, but
they do so in serial fashion: all of the information is processed by a single
central processing unit (CPU) that performs one operation after another. But the
CPU can also simulate parallel processing by subdividing its various tasks into
subtasks and alternating rapidly among them. The brain’s neurons
are much slower than a computer’s integrated circuits. But the brain’s
power comes from its being a machine that performs massively parallel processing.
The brain does not have a CPU. Instead, it has millions of neurons that combine
signals simultaneously. At any given time, many large, specialized areas of the
brain are operating in parallel to perform a variety of tasks, such as processing
visual or auditory information or planning an action. And even within each of
these areas, information flows through neural networks that have no significant
serial structures. However, just as computers are serial systems that can
simulate parallel processing, the brain is a parallel system that can simulate
serial operations (in handling spoken and written language, for example). Deterministic
versus non-deterministic Computers are deterministic machines in the
sense that with a given input, they will always produce the same output. This
does not mean that this output is always predictable. For example, computers can
simulate non-deterministic systems by introducing pseudo-random variables. Computers
can also apply equations from chaos physics , in which the results of deterministic
processes can be greatly influenced by tiny variations in the initial conditions.
The brain as a whole is considered a non-deterministic system, for the
very simple reason that it is never completely the same from one moment to the
next. It is constantly forming new synapses and strengthening or weakening existing
ones according to how they are being used. Consequently, a given input will never
produce exactly the same output twice. However, the physiochemical processes underlying
brain activity are considered to be deterministic. |