Module: The Human Vocal Apparatus Unless there is a special problem,
speaking our mother tongue is something we do so effortlessly and unconsciously
that we are unaware not only of the extremely complex cognitive processes that
underlie the act of speaking, but also of the incredibly precise mechanics involved
in articulating our words correctly. The human vocal apparatus is like
two kinds of musical instruments at once: a wind instrument and a string instrument.
This apparatus includes a source of wind (the lungs), components that vibrate
(the vocal cords in the larynx), and a series of resonant chambers (the pharynx,
the mouth, and the nasal cavities). Here is how all these components work together
when you speak.
The first component of this apparatus is the lungs that
provide the necessary air and that can thus be described as the “generator”.
When you are speaking, your inhalations become faster and shorter and you breathe
more with your mouth, whereas otherwise you inhale only with your nose. When you
exhale while speaking, you increase the volume and pressure of your airstream
to vibrate the vocal cords in your larynx. The
larynx consists of a set of muscles and pieces of cartilage, with varying degrees
of mobility, that can be raised or lowered like a gate to protect your bronchi
and lungs from food and other foreign bodies. When you swallow food, your larynx
rises, while the epiglottis, a flap of cartilage at the entry to the larynx, closes
down over it to block the upper airways and let the food move down your esophagus
safely into your stomach. When
you speak, the air expelled from your lungs moves up through the trachea to the
larynx, where it passes over the vocal cords. These cords are a matched pair of
muscles and ligaments, pearly white in colour, 20 to 25 millimetres long, and
coated with mucus. They constitute the second component of your vocal apparatus:
the “vibrator”. | |
The vocal cords are attached horizontally from the thyroid cartilage
(the “Adam’s apple” in men) at the front to the arytenoid cartilages
at the rear. By moving these cartilages as you speak, you alter the length and
position of your vocal cords. When you start to say something, the arytenoid cartilages
press the vocal cords against each other, thus closing the opening between them
(known as the glottis). Under the pressure of the air being exhaled, the
vocal cords separate, then close again immediately, causing the air pressure beneath
the glottis to increase again. By opening and closing the glottis rapidly during
phonation, the vocal cords thus release the air from the lungs in a vibrating
stream. When you speak a sentence, you modify the vibration frequency of your
vocal cords many times to produce the acoustic vibrations (sounds) that are the
raw materials for the words themselves. For these sounds to be transformed
into words, they must then be shaped by the rest of the vocal apparatus. The first
step in this process occurs in the pharyngeal cavity, where the respiratory and
digestive systems meet. The pharynx and the other cavities with which it communicates
(the nasal cavities, mouth, and larynx) act as a “resonator”
that alters the sounds issuing from your vocal cords, amplifying some frequencies
while attenuating others. The transformation of the sounds from the larynx
is then completed by the position of the soft palate, tongue, teeth, lips, and
other parts of the mouth, which act as “modulators” for this
sound. While the larynx produces the vibrations without which you would have no
voice, it is these other parts of your vocal apparatus that make your voice so
flexible and versatile. They do so in different ways. Your he soft palate either
blocks the passage to the upper nasal cavities or leaves it open so that the vibrating
airstream can enter them. Your jaws open or close to change the size of the oral
cavity. Your tongue changes shape and position to alter this cavity further. Your
tongue and the lips obstruct the airflow through the teeth to varying extents.
The lips also alter their shape—open, closed, pursed, stretched, and so
on—to shape the sound further. To produce the vowel sound “ee”
(as in “teen”), for example, you must move your tongue toward the
front of your palate, which widens the pharyngeal cavity while raising the larynx
slightly. To produce the sound “ah” (as in “far”), you
must lower your jaw and your tongue. To pronounce consonants, you must make various
movements of the tongue and lips. For example, to pronounce an “F”or
an “S”, you move your tongue and lips so as to slow the outgoing airstream.
To pronounce a “B”, “P”, or “T”, you stop
the airstream and then release it, with varying degrees of sharpness. To produce
a “V” or a “J”, you make the airstream vibrate, and so
on. Is the human vocal apparatus essential for speech? Scientists
long believed that the main reason that other primates had never succeeded in
mastering human language despite all the efforts that had been made to teach them
(follow the blue Experiment Module link below) was that the particular anatomy
of their vocal apparatus prevented them from doing so. In apes, as in human infants,
the larynx is positioned very high in the neck, which would prevent it from producing
all the sounds of human language. But this position does have certain advantages:
for example, both apes and babies can breathe through their noses while continuing
to eat. In contrast, in adult humans, the low position of the larynx means
that the pathways to the stomach and the lungs intersect, thus increasing the
risks of choking. It therefore seems that the advantage that this descended larynx
provides is a vocal communication system that makes this risk of choking worthwhile.
Modelling and simulation studies have shown, however, that the limited
phonatory capabilities of the high-positioned larynx in primates and babies represent
only a relatively minor handicap in terms of language. For that matter, the high
position of the larynx in human babies does not prevent them from imitating the
adult vowel sounds “ee”, “ah”, and “oo” from
as early as 4 months of age, and from producing their first words 8 months later,
when the larynx is still very high and the pharyngeal cavity is still very small.
The reason that apes and younger babies cannot speak would therefore seem to be
not that their larynx is too high, but rather that they lack the cognitive abilities
needed to master language. The descent of the larynx in the course
of evolution In Australopithecus, the larynx had not yet descended,
so individuals transmitted information by means of cries and gestures. As early
humans gradually adopted an erect posture, it gradually brought the position of
their head back and up so that it tipped back at the base of the skull, thus causing
the neck to emerge and the larynx to descend. Since the base of the skull
constitutes the roof of the vocal apparatus, the fossil record gives us some idea
of when in evolutionary time the larynx descended. Indications of this descent
have been found in skulls of Homo ergaster, from nearly 2 million years
ago. A skull of Homo heidelbergensis found in Ethiopia shows that the
larynx had almost reached its current position 600 000 years ago. These findings
lead to the conclusion that a vocal apparatus capable of articulate language probably
existed nearly half a million years before people began to speak. It therefore
seems unlikely that the human vocal apparatus was selected “for” language.
It may have conferred some advantages in pre-linguistic communication, but was
this a sufficient selective pressure? Some authors believe that this low position
of the larynx may have afforded certain benefits with regard to breathing. Other
authors point out that other animal species besides humans (deer, for example),
also have low larynxes. These authors therefore believe that this anatomical characteristic
may have evolved because it lets animals make sounds that lead others to believe
that they are larger than they really are. It would therefore not be surprising
if the human vocal apparatus turned out to be an exaptation: in other words, an
adaptation to pressures selecting for purposes other than speech, but whose result—a
descended larynx—nevertheless facilitated the articulation of words.